Working at heights is a very technical thing, and all working at heights operatives need to be well equipped with the appropriate fall arrest or guardrail systems, alongside rigorous training. Without these two facets in place working at heights becomes extremely dangerous, and considering that 60% of all accidents occur as a result of working at heights there are serious ethical and legal ramifications facing those who choose not to commit to safety.

So, equipment and training are the two most important things governing the safety of those who work from heights. However, there is another factor in play: the mental attributes of workers. Obviously, because there is some inherent danger involved in working at heights  these kinds of roles require certain mental qualities.

The term “working at heights” is obviously very broad, and it can mean working very high up to working on raised platforms. Obviously, those who work at the top of sky scrapers, perhaps cleaning the windows, may feel more at the extreme than those working lower down, and perhaps require more psychological stability and comfort with heights.

It is rare that someone is completely free of the fear of heights. Instead, the skill is to manage this fear. Understanding safety protocol and how to work at heights can go a long way to limiting the mental stresses, and these kinds of things can be taught by rigorous height safety training.

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